How many tehsils are there in Gorakhpur?
District Gorakhpur is divided into 7 (seven) tehsil /Sub-Disrticts which are governed by the SDM (Sub Divisional Magistrate) and Tehsildar who resolve the issues related to land, and other miscellaneous matters. In Uttar Pradesh tehsil is called as Sub-Districts and Sub-Districts divided into Blocks.
For Better Mind Mapping with Time Saving : Click to See List of all Gorakhpur Tehsil with Gorakhpur Border on Google Map.
- Sadar
- Bansgaon
- Campierganj
- ChauriChaura
- Khajni
- Sahjanwa
- Gola
- Tehsil is the sub districts in Indian context.
- District is divided into Tehsil and Tehsil is further divided into Blocks and its also called sub district in some state of India.
- Block and Tehsil are same in some states. (Might be Confusing go to official site of your district and analyse their might be get help.)

Graph is good.