The main objective of our site Gorakhpurgraphs is to write and publish various topics. The purpose of our writing in this blog is only to convey information to the general public. All the information published on it is information about Gorakhpurgraphs but the authenticity of the subject is not the responsibility of this site. The purpose of the site is to inform its readers on various subjects, but the authors of this site do not know whether or not the information is complete or how accurate and accurate they are, so Gorakhpurgraphs is not able to take responsibility for the content. Do not enter any of your personal IDs such as Aadhaar card number, bank account details or mobile number in the comment box of this website. It is not possible for us to reply to every comment, message.
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Some of the relevant Information is taken from https://gorakhpur.nic.in (Official Government website of Gorakhpur Uttar Pradesh ) only for educational purpose. Some of the information We are collected which are opinions , views, and may be a Personal research.
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